50 States
Half Marathon Club™
Special Events

Half Marathon Club Member Meet-Ups Throughout Year
Next Annual Member
Meet-Up Weekend!
Our Fall 2024 Annual Meet Up has been pushed out a few months to Feb 2025
Annual Member Celebration & Awards Event
One of our primary club events is our annual awards event where we present 50 state finishers, 100 half finishers, and finishers of our other various challenges. This is a super fun weekend to enjoy the presence of many members, to meet and mingle with one another from all across the United States!
Past Annual Meet Ups
2023 - Milwaukee Lakefront Marathon & Half Marathon
2022 - OBX Marathon & Half Marathon - North Carolina
2021 - Revel Big Cottonwood Marathon & Half Marathon - Utah
2020 - Canceled
2019 Quad Cities Marathon & Half Marathon - Illinois
and Mainly Marathons "special race" - Iowa
2018 OCNJ Half Marathon - New Jersey
2017 Las Cruces Day of the Dead Marathon, Half Marathon - New Mexico
2016 Grand Rapids Marathon & Half Marathon - Michigan
2015 Kooky Spooky Half Marathon - Colorado
2014 HITS Omaha Marathon & Half Marathon - Nebraska
2013 Space Coast Marathon & Half Marathon - Florida
2012 Rock'n'Roll Las Vegas Half Marathon - Nevada
2024 / 2025 Annual Meet Up Information
Our next Annual Member Party & Awards Night Annual Meet-Up weekend will be in Arizona. Updates can be found in the member portal under the "Events" tab.
Requirements For Annual Meet Up Location Consideration
Your event MUST MUST MUST be fully approved to support a MINIMUM of 18:32 pace mile (4 hour minimum) walker friendly course. This means fully supported for the walkers at that pace, including all aid stations, post race food, etc. and agree to not shut down timing if there are any finishers coming inbound shortly after 4 hours.
Provide our club a post race tent in your finish line post race party area is ideal.
Currently the race must typically be mid September through mid November. This is the timeframe we hold our awards banquet, primarily to stay away from holidays and to stay within the bounds of most ideal weather for travel.
Must be within a reasonable radius to a major airport, as we have members of all income levels, flying in from all over the USA and some from outside the country.
Must be near event facilities that have over 300 capacity for our annual awards night / member party
Not required, but all previous annual meet up races have given our club a special discount to our members.
Anything addition to the above listed is always extra bonus.
Does your event meet all of the above and have interest in being considered?
For consideration, please visit our contact page and email Nicole.